Country presentation
A landlocked West African country, Mali is surrounded by Algeria in the northeast, Niger in the southeast, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Guinea in the south, and Senegal and Mauritania in the west.
The Tropic of Cancer run through the territory, which covers a surface area of 1,240,192 km2.
The capital city of Mali is Bamako.
94, Avenue Moussa Travelé
P.O. Box: No. 206 Telephone: (223) 20 70 02 00 / 20 22 25 41 / 20 22 54 06 Fax: (223) 20 22 47 86
Komoguel II, route de Sévaré P.O. Box: No. 180
Telephone: (223) 20 21 01 02 Fax: (223) 21 43 05 07 Sub-Branch
Rue Mamadou Traoré
P.O. Box: No. 453
Telephone: (223) 21 62 00 77 Fax: (223) 21 62 08 79